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5 Things Side Hustlers Should Focus On

If you’re a side hustler or if you want to start a side hustle - here are five things you should focus on to become efficient and effective throughout all areas of life. 

Number 1: Clarify your goals

The number one thing you want to focus on is you want to have clarity on your goals and priorities. When you get on this journey of having a side hustle. Be clear about your goals and what you want to accomplish with the side hustle.  

Having clarity and prioritizing your goals, will enable you to filter through decisions regarding time management because you have clarity of what you want to accomplish with a side hustle as  well as other things that will be competing for your time. 

So set goals, be clear about your goals and objectives, and the outcome you want to get from sight definitely because it'll help you in the long run, to really balance out your time and make sure that you really treat the side hustle as a business, and not just something that you're just doing just to drain your time.

Number 2: Do Not drop the ball at your Full-Time Job

Now, the second thing you want to focus on is you want to make sure you do not drop the ball at your full-time job. Remember, your full-time job is your main squeeze - so you want to make sure that you give Caesar what belongs to Caesar. 

Although it's good to have a side hustle, don't let your side hustle jeopardize your full-time job. So make sure that you continue to execute and deliver value at your full time job. 

Number 3: Improve Your Productivity

Now, the third thing you want to focus on when you're starting a side hustle, is that you want to really start focusing on improving your own productivity. Remember, you're still gonna have 24 hours in your day. But now you have more things to do because you still have your full time job, plus your side hustle and all the things in your life that you're going to need to do. 

So being able to increase your productivity is going to be something that you need to focus on because you're still gonna have the same 24 hours and you're going to need to do more. 

Number 4: Do Not Get Into Debt

So the fourth thing you want to focus on is to make sure you do not get into debt as you’re building your side hustle. As you get into your side hustle, remember the whole point why you're working on a side hustle is so that you can actually make more money. So, don't spend too much time investing in so many different things that will actually lead you into debt, as you're getting your side hustle started. 

Number 5: Get Enough Sleep

The fifth thing you really want to focus on is sleep. 

You want to make sure that you're well rested when you start each day, because now you have your full time job, and the side hustle and you have to deliver quality work at both. So making sure that you have a good quality sleep every single day will enable you to have peak performance for both your full time job and your side hustle. 

Tying it All Together 

And with that, those are the five things you need to focus on when you decide to start side hustling.

We created a list of 101 side hustles that you can do if you don't have a side hustle. So, go download it here. 


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