In this book review Kuda Biza covers “From The Trash Man To The Cash Man” by Myron Golden Myron Golden is a business & marketing consultant, public speaker, best selling author and coach.
He is best known for his ability to take anyone from broke to wealthy by turning their passions into their profits.
And that is exactly what he talks about in “From The Trash Man To The Cash Man” - This book covers principles that Myron learned from making $6.25 an hour as a trash man to being the owner of a multi-million dollar business and highly sought after business consultant.
Myron Golden has also released other books, such as “Line ‘Em Up & Sign ‘Em Up” and “B.O.S.S Moves”
If you’re watching this book review, you’ve probably grown tired of the endless 9 to 5 grind.
Not to mention, you have dreams and goals to achieve and you know you’ll never become a millionaire by working a regular job.
But how does one become a millionaire? There’s no easy and simply laid out “System” to make that happen. Or is there?
In this book review Kuda reviews From The Trash Man To The Cash Man by Myron Golden, a book that details the different levels of the ladder you need to go through to achieve financial success.
After reading this book you’ll have a clear understanding of why most people never create wealth, and how YOU can start creating your own wealth.
Watch the whole book review to pick up the best golden nuggets to apply to your life!
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