Wheel of Life Assessment
Assessment Instructions
Answer each question in the sections using the scale range of 1-10. 1 being the weakest, and 10 being the strongest. There are text indications below each answer scale, to help guide your answer honestly. Try to answer each question the best you can, so you can receive the most accurate result.
How fulfilled are you with the work you do?
(1 = Least fulfilled; 10 = Most fulfilled)
How do you feel about how you manage your current finances?
(1 = Not confident at all; 10 = Extremely confident)
How fulfilled are you with your overall health and fitness?
(1 = Not healthy; 10 = In the best health of my life)
How connected are you to your inner self and the world around you?
(1 = Not connected; 10 = Very connected)
How happy are you with the connections you have to the ones closest to you and to what level do you feel support and vice versa?
(1 = No connection; 10 = Strong connection)
How satisfied are you with the quality of relationships in your life both social and intimate?
(1 = Not satisfied; 10 = Very satisfied)
Personal Growth
How focused are you on actively learning and experiencing new things?
(1 = Not interested; 10 = Always want to learn new things)
To what degree are you enjoying your quality of life?
(1 = Not enjoying; 10 = Very happy, enjoying the most out of life)
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